Buddy Simmons

The remarkable life of

February 3rd, 1926 - August 21st, 2012


Buddy Simmons and his wife Opal had two boys.  Donnie Simmons was born in 1949 and Larry Simmons was born in 1950.  They followed their father’s footsteps and both have spent their lives playing country music.  Both Don and Larry also had two boys.  Larry’s sons are Jason and James, and Donnie’s sons are Billy and Dean.


Larry played for Ray Stevens for 8 years

Donnie and Larry as young-ins

Keeping it in the family

Opal Simmons

The Simmons Family Band

always looking sharp

custom tailored suits

The Simmons Family played the Club Venus for 11 years until Buddy retired from music.

And the Simmons Brothers Band played on.  Here with Joe Binder and Liz Kitchen.

Better times with Stan LeGoux

Donnie joined the Last Rodeo Band

Buddy and Opal enjoy their later years filled love enjoying their children, grandchildren & great grandchildren.

They will always be our Mammaw and Pappaw.

Larry plays the Grand Ole Opry

site created with love by Dean Simmons ©2012